Big Rigs.EXE

I was on upermarker thn i seee big rigs and big rigs is my faurite game and i buy it.i go to home and play game and at titile screnn i see big rigs and black background and i was i weirded out by this and i pressed play and it showed big rigs.exe for 1 millesecond i soo spooked by this butt i played game lol and selected my car  and i playh game i finished the race but isted of saying your winner it say your next i super spoked by this  butt i continued on.Then it crashed and my deskop was of blood and i super spooks my computer crashed i hear soppoky noise on my kitchen i go there and see my moother she blood on her bobs and i ZUCC then and i become evil and then a a car from big rigs with bloody eyes sayed i took yo mama boobs and i sayd despacito and he died.i went to game again iopen pc and see big rigs i click open and big rigs all of the cars were bloody and it show jumpscare and it was one of the cars with bloody eyes and bloody i so spooks by this and then the cartoy said to me i kill u now crazy boi and i super scare by this and then it attacked my and i die.